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Old 03-25-2014
Randy Dupree's Avatar
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Default rolling rally to Alaska,2015

We have interested members here that wanted me to start a thread on having a rolling rally to Alaska.

This will be in 2015 (summer).
Basically the group will meet in Montana or where ever we decide to start the trip.

A few days will be spent before going into Canada,preparing the coachs,and toads.
Last minute shopping etc.

The group should divide up into smaller groups no bigger than 4 coachs.
This is because of parking and stopping etc.
4 coachs worked well for us a few years ago.

We would travel in the small groups and meet up a few times during the summer.
I think maybe meet up in Homer at a large camping area.
Also in Anchorage for a few days.
Maybe at the hot springs for a few days.
all of these stops need to be for a few days,theres lots to see.

All of that can be planned out as this thread progresses.

So,if you want to go,start planning.
Pick a couple that you would like to travel with,someone that you get along with,like minded people.

If you travel with dogs,you need to allow time to walk dogs.

Plan on dry camping a lot.
Plan on cooking and eating a lot.

We drove short days,stopping to sight see all the time,some days only going a few miles.

Staying in one spot for 3-4 days was common.

Staying miles from any town was common.

If your an early riser,you need to find another early riser to travel with.

I also think the group should not all go into Canada on the same day (depends on how many want to go).

Go online and search for the ''Milestone".
start planning now for 2015.
Open the attached, increase to 300%, scroll left to right.

The document might change some each day…usually additional columns for recording information. If you want to be connected, be sure we have your correct email address(es) and phone number(s).
Check out the document. There are a lot of empty cells. Send your information to wog@xcreekrv.com Please, DO NOT not send me your information using WOG PM. Use my personal email address. Using WOG PM means I have to go through several unnecessary steps to retrieve your information. Thank you.

I edited the list 2/26/15
Attached Files
File Type: pdf 2015 Alaska Trip Participants_150226.pdf (23.8 KB, 173 views)
email me at randy@randydupree.com only.

Randy Dupree
2000 LXI 43
Port St Joe Fl.


Last edited by jyclegg; 05-12-2015 at 03:48 PM. Reason: Include rally participants list
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Old 03-25-2014
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If anyone plans on going though Grande Prairie Ab. (we are km 0 of the Alaska hyw) drop us a line. We might just tag along!! Its only about 1700 miles from here to anchorage. Sounds like alot of fun!!
Keith Frerichs
Sexsmith, Alberta
1977 Newell Repowered from 555 cummins to 8.3 Cummins with Allison 3000 series trans
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Old 03-25-2014
mike meyers mike meyers is offline
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There will be a big gathering here in 2015 looks like. I have room for about 10 coaches in my yard and maybe a few more by the time you all get here.
I can be the host if you all like. I will cook Salmon and Halibut-fresh of course ! I will take some time off so we can all vacation!!!
There are no unfriendly bears here. We have unlimited daylight and plenty of laughs. Bring it on.!!! To all you people on the fence do not let this pass you by and be a should of...

A whole year and a few months to save and plan.........
Mike Meyers
Nikiski, Alaska
1997 BMC 37'
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Old 03-26-2014
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I am hoping there can be 3 lists. One to list the profiles of those who want to go. Another to list the items each group should have for emergencies. An then another Check List of what should be checked about the coach/toad. The last might seem obvious, but there may be things that those who have made the trip wish they would have had with them. Hoping we can have a get together at Pine Mountain in Oct. of those who are interested at that time.

What I mean by a profile list is a form where we can list our traits, likes and preferences.
Greg Bryant
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Green Cove Springs, FL.
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Last edited by GregBryantSr; 03-26-2014 at 12:46 AM.
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Old 03-26-2014
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Originally Posted by mike meyers View Post
There will be a big gathering here in 2015 looks like. I have room for about 10 coaches in my yard and maybe a few more by the time you all get here.
I can be the host if you all like. I will cook Salmon and Halibut-fresh of course ! I will take some time off so we can all vacation!!!
There are no unfriendly bears here. We have unlimited daylight and plenty of laughs. Bring it on.!!! To all you people on the fence do not let this pass you by and be a should of...

A whole year and a few months to save and plan.........

It would be worth the drive just to see you guys again. Now if you can promise there are no bears anywhere between here and there that Roberta would come across------
Rick Shawver
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Old 03-26-2014
mike meyers mike meyers is offline
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Marah is a markswoman already......
Mike Meyers
Nikiski, Alaska
1997 BMC 37'
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Old 03-26-2014
bjkhokie bjkhokie is offline
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Thanks for starting up this thread! Katie and I would love to go and would like to try to find a way to make it work, though it will be tough.
Bryan Katz
2003 43' LXI
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Blacksburg, VA
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Old 03-26-2014
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We need another toad, would like to leave the trailer with motorcycles in or near Sturgis SD.
Have BIG plans for the 75th Sturgis motorcycle rally in 2015. Last week in July through first full week in August July 27 until August 15 . Would this work with Alaska dates?

Other issues
We/ME are early risers have traveling dogs.
OLD coach even older tired creaking cracking body. Steps/steep inclines = difficult at times
As previously mentioned toad? Or lack there of don't want to drag trailer with motorcycles all that way if they cannot be used, OR would motorcycles work? Ideas/suggestions--

1995 WB 42 Series 60
Perry Georgia
770-548-1441 cell
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Old 03-26-2014
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We would like to go, but....I have become radical in my old age. I'll be danged if I am going to travel somewhere where I have to have a passport to get back into my own country.
Tommy and Martha Rountree
1994 WLWB 40/2001 Honda CRV
FMCA #F31522
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Old 03-26-2014
Rick Davis Rick Davis is offline
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Tommy, that won't be a problem. Because you have to have one to LEAVE your home country.
Rick & Marilyn Davis
Knoxville, TN
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